17 November, 2007

This ain't over yet (or so I hope)

An engineering student, specially one in the third year of his degree, seems to have a tad too many facets of the same basic principles to learn. I mean, come on, we are looking at MOSFETs (Microelectronics), what's inside them (Electronic Devices), and how gates somehow fabricated from them can be used in even more complicated ways to do stuff that we want done (Digital Design). And what with Electric Machines dropping in from time to time as well, it seems as if there's a bit too much of state to handle, and too little IN-Ter-Es-Ting (as Feynman put it) stuff going on.


On a completely discordant note :

I always loved the Arthur C. Clarke stories from "Tales of the White Hart". They're about science fiction writers, actual scientists, and a smattering of weird characters sitting in a bar, and discussing wildly improbable and fantastic incidents, but with a grain (or more) of science all the same. Maybe I should start to write something of the sort too. I feel as if all of the good names for engineering-based writing have been gobbled by the popular magazines though. I mean, the lowest I would go would be to named my collection Nuts and Volts, and even that has been taken.
