15 April, 2008

A Long Time Ago, in a Dimension Far, Far Away

"If you cut us, do we not bleed? if you
tickle us, do we not laugh?If you poison us, do we not die?..

If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that."

' That's it'
'Six by nine. Forty-two.'
'That's it. That's all there is.'

In this world, there are too many equations. And too many unknowns. Time was, when I could have twisted and turned them into something clear, something lucid, something tangible. But now all I can see, is mist, swirling.

Smoke and mirrors, as they say. And ne'er was a truer word spoken. When two doors open for every one that closes, you know there is an elaborate mechanism in the labyrinth designed to trap you, squeeze the life and imagination out of you, before you finally get to face the Minotaur.

And the best part is,there is nothing you can really do about it. The easiest way out is the shortest, where you actually enjoy the darkness, the smoke and the mirrors before the part where there is fire and brimstone everywhere.